Using JQuery Ordinary View eNgine

To use JOVN you would need:

Once you have these two, you just need to convert the HTML template into the view and set the model object that needs to be bonded:


And that’s it - your model object would be placed into the template. No overcomplicating - simple solution for a simple task.

In the following sections, you can see more details on how to use it.

Model object

First, we need a model object - data that we want to display to the user. Example of object that can populate template shown above is shown in the following listing:

var model = {
    "Name":"ACME Co",
    "Address":"Spanish Street 3, Belgrade",

This can be local object built in JavaScript code, or JSON object fetched from a web server via AJAX call. This object has three properties (Name, Address, and Contact) that will be displayed in the web page.

HTML template

Template is a plain HTML code where JOVN will place fields from the model object. Only requirement is that elements that should be populated must match the fields in model object by id, name, or class. An example of HTML template is shown below:

<div id="content">
    <h1 id="Name"></h1>

    <label for="Address">Address:</label>
    <input name="Address"></input> 
    <label for="Contact">Contact by:</label>
    <select name="Contact">
        <option value="Email"/>
        <option value="Phone"/>
        <option value="Skype"/>

The h1 tag in the template has id Name and it would be used to display a name. input and select tags will be used to show Address and Contact method. Element must have id or name attributes that matches. If you want to use class you should place a class with the prefix bind- (for example, bind-Address or bind-Contact). JOVN will match elements in the template with the properties in the model object by names and set the values of the HTML elements using the data from model object.

Binding JSON object to the template

Once HTML template and JSON object are defined, JSON object can be loaded into the HTML code. This can be achieved by using the following line of JavaScript code:


As a result, ‘model’ object will be loaded into the HTML fragment, like here:

<div id="content">
    <h1 id="Name">ACME Co.</h1>
    <label for="Address">Address:</label>
    <input name="Address" value="Spanish Street 3, Belgrade"></input> 
    <label for="Contact">Contact by:</label>
    <select name="Contact">
        <option value="Email"/>
        <option value="Phone" selected/>
        <option value="Skype"/>

As you can see, there are not custom or directives like in the other engines. Use pure HTML and just bind the standard JSON object into the view.

This is a simple example, but JOVN can do much more such as:

You can find examples on the following pages:

If you want to keep it simple, JOVN is a view engine for you. JOVN plugin works with the large number of HTML elements from plain SPAN, P, DIV, to various INPUT (text, checkbox, radio, HTML5 types), SELECT, TEXTAREA, etc.

See also